PokéRogue Fusion Guide

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PokéRogue is an engaging Pokémon fan game that introduces a unique fusion mechanic, allowing players to combine two Pokémon to create a new, hybrid creature. This guide will walk you through the fusion process, provide tips on creating powerful fusions, and explain the mechanics behind this feature.

Understanding Fusion Mechanics

The Basics

In PokéRogue, the fusion process involves using a DNA Splicer item on two non-fused Pokémon in your party. The Pokémon you choose first becomes the Primary, and the second Pokémon is the Sacrifice. The fusion combines various attributes from both Pokémon, creating a new entity with averaged stats, combined movesets, and shared abilities.

Key Points of Fusion

  1. Base Stats Averaging:The base stats of the fused Pokémon are the average of the base stats of the Primary and Sacrifice Pokémon. For example, fusing a Manaphy (base stats of 100 across the board) with a Phione (base stats of 80) results in a fusion with base stats of 90 for all six stats.
  2. Moves and Learnsets:The fused Pokémon inherits all four moves from the Sacrifice Pokémon, allowing you to choose the best four moves from a combined pool of eight. Additionally, using a Memory Mushroom lets the fusion relearn any move from both Pokémon's learnsets.
  3. Abilities and Typing:The Primary Pokémon retains its first type and passive ability, while the Sacrifice Pokémon contributes its main ability and second type (if different from the first type). This combination can result in unique and powerful type and ability synergies.
  4. Unfusing:You can unfuse the Pokémon at any time, but the Sacrifice Pokémon will be lost. The Primary Pokémon will revert to its original state but retain the fused moveset.

Creating Powerful Fusions

Selecting the Right Pokémon

When creating a fusion, consider the following factors to maximize the potential of your new Pokémon:

  1. Complementary Abilities: Combining abilities that synergize well can create powerful fusions. For example, fusing a Pokémon with the Unnerve ability (which prevents the opponent from eating berries) with one that has Sturdy (which prevents being knocked out in one hit) can create a formidable fusion for endless runs.

  2. Type Advantages: Choose Pokémon with complementary types to cover more weaknesses and enhance resistances. For instance, fusing a Fire/Flying type with a Water type can result in a Pokémon that has fewer weaknesses and more resistances.

  3. Stat Distribution: Aim to balance the stats of the fused Pokémon. Combining a high-defense Pokémon with a high-attack Pokémon can create a well-rounded fusion that excels in multiple areas.

Example of a Powerful Fusion

One of the most effective fusions discovered involves combining Dusclops (with the passive ability Unnerve) and Sawk (with the Sturdy ability). This fusion results in a Ghost/Fighting type Pokémon that is only weak to Flying, Psychic, and Ghost types. It has strong defenses, decent speed, and great attack power. The combination of Sturdy and Unnerve makes it incredibly resilient in battle, especially in endless runs where healing items and abilities are crucial.

Advanced Fusion Strategies

Frankensteining Movesets

A unique aspect of PokéRogue's fusion mechanic is the ability to "Frankenstein" a moveset. By fusing and then unfusing Pokémon, you can transfer moves from one Pokémon to another. This strategy allows you to create a Pokémon with an optimal moveset tailored to your playstyle. For example, fusing a Tapu Lele with a Frosmoth to get Quiver Dance on Tapu Lele, then unfusing them, results in a Tapu Lele with a powerful setup move it wouldn't normally learn.

Fusion and Evolution

Fused Pokémon can still evolve, and their evolutions will inherit the fusion's stats and attributes. This allows for even more customization and power. For instance, evolving a fusion that includes a Nincada will create another fused Pokémon with Shedinja as part of it, potentially leading to unique and powerful combinations.

Tips for Optimal Fusion

  1. Experiment with Different Combinations:Don't be afraid to try out various Pokémon combinations to see what works best for your strategy. The fusion mechanic offers endless possibilities, so experimentation is key.

  2. Utilize Memory Mushrooms:Use Memory Mushrooms to relearn moves from both Pokémon's learnsets, ensuring your fusion has the best possible moves for any situation.

  3. Maximize Item Usage:Equip your fused Pokémon with the best items available to enhance their performance in battle. Items like Leftovers, Soul Dew, and King's Rock can provide significant advantages.

  4. Plan for Endless Runs: For endless runs, prioritize abilities and moves that enhance survivability and sustainability. Abilities like Sturdy and Unnerve, combined with healing moves like Drain Punch, can make your fusion nearly unstoppable.


PokéRogue's fusion mechanic adds a layer of depth and creativity to the game, allowing players to create unique and powerful Pokémon. By understanding the mechanics, experimenting with different combinations, and utilizing advanced strategies, you can create fusions that dominate in both classic and endless runs. Happy fusing!
