How to Get Candies in PokéRogue

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PokéRogue, a browser-based Pokémon fan game inspired by the roguelite genre, offers players a unique and challenging experience. One of the key elements in the game is the candy system, which allows trainers to power up their Pokémon and reduce their cost for future runs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various methods to obtain candies in PokéRogue and how to maximize your candy-gathering efforts.

Understanding the Candy System

Before diving into the methods of obtaining candies, it's essential to understand how the candy system works in PokéRogue:

  • Each Pokémon has its own specific candy type
  • Candies are used to reduce a Pokémon's cost, making it easier to add them to your team in future runs
  • The number of candies required to reduce a Pokémon's cost increases with the Pokémon's initial cost

Friendship Points: The Primary Source of Candies

The main way to obtain candies in PokéRogue is through the friendship system. As you use a Pokémon in battles and increase its friendship, you'll eventually earn candies for that specific Pokémon.

How Friendship Points Work

Friendship points, sometimes referred to as "candy friendship points," accumulate as you use a Pokémon in various ways:

  • Knocking out an opponent: +2 points
  • Surviving a battle after being switched out: +2 points
  • Catching a wild Pokémon: +2 points
  • Using a Rare Candy on the Pokémon: +5 points

However, be cautious, as fainting will result in a loss of 10 friendship points.

Classic Mode Bonus

In Classic mode, all friendship point values are doubled, making it an excellent way to farm candies:

  • Knocking out an opponent: +4 points
  • Surviving a battle after being switched out: +4 points
  • Catching a wild Pokémon: +4 points
  • Using a Rare Candy on the Pokémon: +10 points
  • Fainting: -20 points

This bonus makes Classic mode particularly attractive for players looking to maximize their candy gains.

Friendship Thresholds for Candies

The number of friendship points required to earn a candy depends on the Pokémon's initial cost:

  • 1-cost Pokémon: 20 friendship points per candy
  • Higher-cost Pokémon: More friendship points required (e.g., 450 points for a 9-cost Pokémon)

For example, in Classic mode, you could earn a candy for a 1-cost Pokémon like Beedrill after just 5 battles.

Strategies for Maximizing Candy Gains

Now that we understand how the friendship system works, let's explore some strategies to optimize your candy-gathering efforts:

1. Focus on Lower-Cost Pokémon

Since lower-cost Pokémon require fewer friendship points to earn candies, it's more efficient to focus on these Pokémon when trying to gather candies quickly. Use them frequently in battles and try to keep them alive to accumulate friendship points faster.

2. Utilize Classic Mode

The doubled friendship point values in Classic mode make it the ideal setting for farming candies. Take advantage of this bonus by playing through Classic mode runs with the Pokémon you want to earn candies for.

3. Prioritize Survival

Since fainting results in a significant loss of friendship points, especially in Classic mode, prioritize keeping your Pokémon alive. Use strategic switching and healing items to ensure your Pokémon survive battles.

4. Leverage Rare Candies

Rare Candies provide a substantial boost to friendship points. When you obtain Rare Candies during your runs, use them strategically on the Pokémon you're trying to earn candies for. Remember that in Classic mode, a single Rare Candy provides 10 friendship points.

5. Participate in Many Battles

The more battles your Pokémon participate in, the more opportunities they have to earn friendship points. Even if a Pokémon doesn't knock out an opponent, simply surviving a battle after being switched in will earn points.

6. Catch Wild Pokémon

Don't forget that catching wild Pokémon also awards friendship points to the Pokémon that participated in the battle. This can be a useful way to earn extra points, especially if you're also trying to expand your Pokédex.

Additional Methods for Obtaining Candies

While the friendship system is the primary source of candies, there are a few other ways to acquire them:

1. Catching and Hatching Pokémon

Every time you catch or hatch a new Pokémon, you'll receive candies for that specific species. This method is particularly useful for Pokémon that you don't use often in battles but still want to power up.

2. Completing Runs

Successfully completing runs, especially in Classic mode, can sometimes reward you with candies for the Pokémon in your team. While this isn't as consistent as the friendship system, it's a nice bonus for your efforts.

3. Special Events and Challenges

Keep an eye out for special events or challenges in PokéRogue that might offer candies as rewards. While these aren't always available, they can provide a significant boost to your candy collection when they occur.

Managing Your Candies Effectively

Once you've accumulated candies, it's important to use them wisely:

Prioritize Key Pokémon

Focus on using candies to reduce the cost of Pokémon that you frequently use or that are particularly strong in the PokéRogue meta. This will allow you to build more powerful teams in future runs.

Balance Cost Reduction

While it's tempting to use all your candies on a single Pokémon, it's often more effective to spread them out among several key team members. This gives you more flexibility in team building.

Consider Future Evolutions

If you're using candies on a Pokémon that can evolve, consider whether it's worth waiting until you've obtained the evolved form before using the candies. Evolved forms typically have higher initial costs, so reducing their cost can be more impactful.

The Long-Term Benefits of Candy Farming

Investing time in farming candies can significantly improve your PokéRogue experience:

  • Stronger Starting Teams: By reducing the cost of powerful Pokémon, you can start runs with stronger teams, increasing your chances of success.
  • Greater Flexibility: With more low-cost options available, you can experiment with diverse team compositions and strategies. Easier Completion of Challenges: Some of PokéRogue's tougher challenges become more manageable when you have access to powerful, low-cost Pokémon.
  • Improved Replayability: As you unlock more options for your starting teams, each run becomes a new opportunity to try different strategies and combinations.


Obtaining candies in PokéRogue is a crucial aspect of long-term progression and success in the game. By understanding the friendship system, utilizing Classic mode, and employing strategic candy-farming techniques, you can steadily build up your collection of powered-up Pokémon. Remember that consistency is key – every battle, every catch, and every run contributes to your candy-earning efforts. With patience and smart play, you'll soon have a roster of formidable, low-cost Pokémon ready to take on any challenge PokéRogue throws your way.