PokéRogue Fusion

Choose the primary and secondary Pokémon in PokéRogue, and click the "Fuse" Button to see the fusion Pokémon you create

Primary Pokémon
Secondary Pokémon
Fused Pokémon


PokéRogue Fusion is a feature in the game PokéRogue that allows players to fuse two Pokémon to create a single, ideally more powerful Pokémon.

In PokéRogue, Fusion is a mechanic that allows you to combine two Pokémon using a DNA Splicer item. Here's how it works:
  1. Base Stats: The fusion's base stats are averaged from the two component Pokémon.
  2. Types: The fusion's primary type comes from the first Pokémon's primary typing, while the secondary type (or only type if monotype) comes from the second Pokémon's secondary typing.
  3. Abilities: The fusion inherits the main ability from the secondary Pokémon and the passive ability (if unlocked) from the first Pokémon.
  4. Moves, Learnsets and Items: The fusion combines the moves, learnsets and items of both Pokémon.
  5. IVs, Nature, and Level: These attributes come from the first Pokémon selected.
  6. Luck: The fusion's luck is the sum of both component Pokémon's luck values.
  7. Battle Gimmicks: The first Pokémon can still Mega Evolve or Gigantamax after fusion, but the second Pokémon cannot.
  8. Evolution: Fusions can still evolve, retaining the evolution methods of both component Pokémon.
  9. Defusing: You can defuse at any time, but the second Pokémon (the sacrifice) will be lost. The first Pokémon retains the fusion's moves and items.

  1. Select the Primary Pokémon
  2. Select the Secondary Pokémon
  3. Click the "Fuse" Button
  4. View Fusion Results